Movie Review: Hot Rod
Okay, since everyone else is probably going to give reviews on Transformers and whatever summer movie that hits the screens, imma do something a little different - reviews on movies that don't get much (or none at all) screen time.
So. Hot Rod.

It's not a racing movie.

It's not a redneck movie.

It's a movie that'll smack you across the gob, throw ninja stars at you and call you a

It's about a man-boy who has to earn his stepfather's respect by fighting him. One small problem: the old man's dying of a weak heart.
This is an epic tale of boy who turns into a man by trying to raise 50,000 dollars to give his abusive stepfather a heart transplant.
My favourite line in the movie:
Stepdad (on his deathbed): You're gonna get yourself killed
Hot Rod: I'd rather die than live in a world where i can't kick your ass
It's got heart. It's got soul. It's got a gay Asian dude swiveling his hips.
go watch it today!

If your movie watching experience sucks, please do not blame The Professor. It's not his fault that he has a superior sense of humour.
Labels: Fun, Hot Rod, Ninja stars, Pussy, Reviews